
258 Evergreen Rd

Mt. Bethel

Tuesday - Sunday
9:00 - 4:30



Douglas Fir
Short, soft blue-green
needles. Color,
symmetrical form and
high needle retention
makes this Christmas
tree a popular tradition.

White Pine
Very attractive
ornamental tree.
Blueish- green
needles with lacy,
graceful foliage
when lightly sheared.
Very good needle
retention. Great
look and style.
Fraser Fir
Medium size tree
native of Appalachian
Mountains. Flat
needles, one-half
inch to one inch
long, dark green
with round tips. Good
needle retention.
Canaan Fir
Similar in appearance
to the Fraser fir,
its needles tend to
be longer, about one
inch in length and
have a bottlebrush
appearance. Relatively
new to the Christmas
tree industry, its
popularity continues
to rise.

Blue Spruce
Colorado Blue
Spruce. Leading
ornamental tree
among the spruces.
Dense, conical
evergreen with
stout, prickly
three- quarter
to one and one-
quarter inch needles.

Concolor Fir
Indigenous to the
mountains of western
North America. This
ornamental tree has
long needles and a
pleasant citrus aroma.

A few helpful tree care tips will enhance the enjoyment of your Christmas tree and keep it fresh and fragrant throughout the holiday season. After you bring the tree home, cut one-quarter inch off the base of the trunk. Keep the tree outdoors in a container of water. Protect it from the wind and sun until you're ready to decorate. This helps the tree retain moisture.

Before you bring the tree back into your home and place it in a stand, make a fresh cut a minimum of one-quarter inch from the base of the trunk. This re-opens the trees stem so it can take water. Immediately place it in the stand with fresh water. Don't allow the water level to drop below the fresh cut or the stem will reseal.

Remember, trees are very thirsty. They may drink from 2 pints to 1 gallon of water a day. Use a stand with a 1 gallon capacity or more. Check it daily and supply fresh water as needed.

Palmer Christmas Tree Farms - All Rights Reserved - Copyright © 2023
Website updated September 2023